Clouds: Sky’s Mood Makers
Chris Severn Chris Severn

Clouds: Sky’s Mood Makers

My paintings are influenced by what I like to call ‘mood clouds’. These are not just objects that are moving around in the sky, but they are the mood of the entire canvas. Each cloud in my paintings has its character and mood which in turn determines the mood and the feeling of the scene.

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Grasslands: A place filled with countless small creatures and unknown riddles.
Chris Severn Chris Severn

Grasslands: A place filled with countless small creatures and unknown riddles.

When I picture rolling grassland, I don’t picture an ocean of green; I picture a living universe full of life and activity. It’s a universe in which rabbits and groundhogs scurry about, foraging for food, and in which meadow comes to life with stories of innumerable little lives. Every rock and every blade of grass finds its role in the daily lives of these little animals, creating a rich tapestry of encounters and exploits.

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The Tree Chronicles: Friends, Foes, and Family Feuds
Chris Severn Chris Severn

The Tree Chronicles: Friends, Foes, and Family Feuds

"When I look at trees, I don’t see leaves; I see a rich tapestry of stories yet to be told. Every tree is a character in a grand epic of a wood, a part of a tight community with rich tales, complex relationships, and individual personalities. To paint trees isn’t a matter of representing them in form; it’s a matter of revealing the emotional nuance and interconnectedness that underlies their bark.

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